*************************** 786 ******************************************* Ref. "K$_{\alpha}$ resonance fluorescence in Al, Ti, Cu and potential applications for X-ray sources", Sultana N. Nahar and Anil K. Pradhan, JQSRT 155, 32-48 (2015) ************************************************************************** Al12+: Energy levels, Oscillator strengths f, S, A-values for allowed (E1) and forbidden (E2,E3,M1,M2) fine structure transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation Process: Al12+ + h\nu <-> Al12+* File contents : -------------- 1) Table of Configurations and Thomas-Fermi scaling parameters 2) Table of LS term energies 3) LS Multiplets 4) Fine Structure energies : 5) Allowed E1 transitions with same spin multiplicity - E1d 6) Allowed E1 transitions with intercombination spin multiplicity - E1i 7) Forbidden E3 and M2 transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation 8) Forbidden E2 and M1 transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation **************************************************************************** i) Table of Configurations and Thomas-Fermi scaling parameters --------------------------------------------------------------- Ion: nz = 13, nelc = 1 Total Number of LS terms= 10 Configuration set: 10 configurations: first 10 spectroscopic, rest 0 correlation 1 1s 2 2s 3 2p 4 3s 5 3p 6 3d 7 4s 8 4p 9 4d 10 4f Number of orbitals = 10 Scaling parameters of the orbitals: 1.00000(1s) 1.00000(2s) 1.00000(2p) 1.00000(3s) 0.00000(3p) 1.00000(3d) 1.00000(4s) 1.00000(4p) 1.00000(4d) 1.00000(4f) **************************************************************************** 2) Table of LS term energies ------------------- LS energies: i SLP E(Rel,Ry) cfg# 1 2Se 0.000000 1 2 2Po 126.750078 3 3 2Se 126.750098 2 4 2De 150.222298 6 5 2Se 150.222304 4 6 2Po 150.222438 5 7 2Fo 158.437576 10 8 2De 158.437576 9 9 2Po 158.437577 8 10 2Se 158.437578 7 Number of first LS terms optimized = 10 ************************************************************************* 3) Table of LS Multiplets: ------------------ Transitions in pure LS coupling - Oscillator Strengths: Ni LSi:CFi Nf LSf:CFf Ei Ef aji(s-1) fL fV %diff 1 2Se: 1 2 2Po: 3 0.0000 126.7501 1.790E+13 4.16E-01 4.16E-01 0.0E+00 1 2Se: 1 6 2Po: 5 0.0000 150.2224 4.780E+12 7.91E-02 7.91E-02 6.3E-03 1 2Se: 1 9 2Po: 8 0.0000 158.4376 1.948E+12 2.90E-02 2.90E-02 1.7E-02 2 2Po: 3 4 2De: 6 126.7501 150.2223 1.847E+12 6.96E-01 6.96E-01 4.8E-04 2 2Po: 3 5 2Se: 4 126.7501 150.2223 1.804E+11 1.36E-02 1.36E-02 2.5E-02 2 2Po: 3 8 2De: 9 126.7501 158.4376 5.894E+11 1.22E-01 1.22E-01 0.0E+00 2 2Po: 3 10 2Se: 7 126.7501 158.4376 7.367E+10 3.04E-03 3.05E-03 1.6E-01 3 2Se: 2 6 2Po: 5 126.7501 150.2224 6.415E+11 4.35E-01 4.35E-01 1.1E-03 3 2Se: 2 9 2Po: 8 126.7501 158.4376 2.762E+11 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 0.0E+00 4 2De: 6 7 2Fo:10 150.2223 158.4376 3.940E+11 1.02E+00 1.02E+00 0.0E+00 4 2De: 6 9 2Po: 8 150.2223 158.4376 9.934E+09 1.10E-02 1.10E-02 4.5E-02 5 2Se: 4 9 2Po: 8 150.2223 158.4376 8.760E+10 4.85E-01 4.85E-01 6.2E-03 6 2Po: 5 8 2De: 9 150.2224 158.4376 2.011E+11 6.18E-01 6.18E-01 1.0E-02 6 2Po: 5 10 2Se: 7 150.2224 158.4376 5.241E+10 3.22E-02 3.23E-02 3.1E-02 LS transitions: Number of oscillator strengths = 14 Comparison of LS term energies: relativistic(r) & pure LS: Expt theory %diff config term E(Ry) term E(LSr) CF term E(LS) CF 1 2Se 0.0000 1 2Se 0.0000 1 2 2Se 127.0121 2 2Po 126.7501 3 3 2Po 127.0753 3 2Se 126.7501 2 4 2Se 150.5610 4 2De 150.2223 6 5 2Po 150.5797 5 2Se 150.2223 4 6 2De 150.5946 6 2Po 150.2224 5 7 2Se 158.7992 7 2Fo 158.4376 10 8 2Po 158.8070 8 2De 158.4376 9 9 2De 158.8133 9 2Po 158.4376 8 10 2Fo 158.8160 10 2Se 158.4376 7 ****************************************************************************** 4) Fine Structure energies : --------------------------- ie -> energy position number SLP (cf) -> SLpi symmetry belonging to configuration 1 of Table i Fine structure energy levels of Fe~XV for which forbidden (E2,E3,M1,M2) transitions are presented. The indices (cf) correspond to cofigurations numbers 2J -> 2 times total angular momentum k*cm -> k momentum in cm (ignore the column) Ec(Ry) -> calculated energies (relative) cfg -> configuration only for observed levels given in NIST compilation (if available) SLP -> Symmetry in numerical notation (sllp: s=2S+1, ll=L, p=parity, 0=even 1=odd) if the level has been observed E(Ry) -> Final energies (relative) that were used in the transitions df -> percent difference between calculated and available experimental energies ----------------------------------------------------- Number of fine structure levels = 16 Number of default fine structure levels = 16 Fine Structure energies: relativistic(BP): Theory Expt(+Theo with 0% diff) ie SLp(cf#) 2J k*cm E(Ry) cfg SLP E(Ry) %df 1 2Se( 1) 2 0.0 0.00000E+00 2 2Po( 3) 2 13937928.0 1.27012E+02 3 2Se( 2) 2 13937970.0 1.27012E+02 4 2Po( 3) 4 13948385.0 1.27107E+02 5 2Se( 4) 2 16522162.0 1.50561E+02 6 2Po( 5) 2 16522163.0 1.50561E+02 7 2De( 6) 4 16525227.0 1.50589E+02 8 2Po( 5) 4 16525243.0 1.50589E+02 9 2De( 6) 6 16526258.0 1.50598E+02 10 2Po( 8) 2 17426194.0 1.58799E+02 11 2Se( 7) 2 17426200.0 1.58799E+02 12 2De( 9) 4 17427482.0 1.58811E+02 13 2Po( 8) 4 17427483.0 1.58811E+02 14 2Fo(10) 6 17427915.0 1.58815E+02 15 2De( 9) 6 17427916.0 1.58815E+02 16 2Fo(10) 8 17428133.0 1.58817E+02 ****************************************************************************** 5) Allowed E1 transitions with same spin multiplicity - E1d ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ignore the negative signs, for internal purpose, in linestrengths S): Explanantion: ------------- Ni, Nj -> energy level number in Table ii SLpC -> symmetry SLpi of configuration C wl -> Transition wavelength Ei, Ej -> Energies of levels in Rydberg fij -> oscillator strength S -> line strength for E1 transitions aij -> Radiative decay rate/ Transition probability ---------------------------------------------------------- Dipole allowed E1d fine structure transitions in Breit-Pauli approx: Ni Nj SLpCi SLpCj gi gj wl(A) Ei(Ry) Ej(Ry) fij S aji(s-1) 1 2 2Se 1 2Po 3 2 2 7.17 0.00 127.01 1.38E-01 6.504E-03 1.78E+13 1 4 2Se 1 2Po 3 2 4 7.17 0.00 127.11 2.75E-01 1.299E-02 1.78E+13 3 4 2Se 2 2Po 3 2 4 9601 127.01 127.11 3.36E-03 2.127E-01 1.22E+05 2 5 2Po 3 2Se 4 2 2 38.70 127.01 150.56 1.33E-02 3.376E-03 5.90E+10 4 5 2Po 3 2Se 4 4 2 38.85 127.11 150.56 1.38E-02 7.064E-03 1.22E+11 1 6 2Se 1 2Po 5 2 2 6.05 0.00 150.56 2.57E-02 1.025E-03 4.68E+12 3 6 2Se 2 2Po 5 2 2 38.70 127.01 150.56 1.44E-01 3.667E-02 6.41E+11 2 7 2Po 3 2De 6 2 4 38.65 127.01 150.59 6.92E-01 1.760E-01 1.54E+12 4 7 2Po 3 2De 6 4 4 38.81 127.11 150.59 6.95E-02 3.549E-02 3.08E+11 6 7 2Po 5 2De 6 2 4 32640 150.56 150.59 3.72E-03 7.992E-01 1.16E+04 1 8 2Se 1 2Po 5 2 4 6.05 0.00 150.59 5.19E-02 2.067E-03 4.72E+12 3 8 2Se 2 2Po 5 2 4 38.65 127.01 150.59 2.86E-01 7.270E-02 6.38E+11 5 8 2Se 4 2Po 5 2 4 32454 150.56 150.59 5.98E-03 1.277E+00 1.89E+04 4 9 2Po 3 2De 6 4 6 38.79 127.11 150.60 6.25E-01 3.193E-01 1.85E+12 8 9 2Po 5 2De 6 4 6 98568 150.59 150.60 1.11E-03 1.437E+00 5.07E+02 1 10 2Se 1 2Po 8 2 2 5.74 0.00 158.80 9.11E-03 3.444E-04 1.85E+12 3 10 2Se 2 2Po 8 2 2 28.67 127.01 158.80 3.32E-02 6.270E-03 2.70E+11 5 10 2Se 4 2Po 8 2 2 110.62 150.56 158.80 1.60E-01 1.162E-01 8.70E+10 7 10 2De 6 2Po 8 4 2 110.99 150.59 158.80 9.21E-03 1.347E-02 9.98E+09 2 11 2Po 3 2Se 7 2 2 28.67 127.01 158.80 2.72E-03 5.131E-04 2.21E+10 4 11 2Po 3 2Se 7 4 2 28.75 127.11 158.80 2.98E-03 1.130E-03 4.81E+10 6 11 2Po 5 2Se 7 2 2 110.61 150.56 158.80 3.12E-02 2.275E-02 1.70E+10 8 11 2Po 5 2Se 7 4 2 110.99 150.59 158.80 3.25E-02 4.746E-02 3.52E+10 2 12 2Po 3 2De 9 2 4 28.66 127.01 158.81 1.20E-01 2.273E-02 4.89E+11 4 12 2Po 3 2De 9 4 4 28.74 127.11 158.81 1.21E-02 4.570E-03 9.75E+10 6 12 2Po 5 2De 9 2 4 110.46 150.56 158.81 6.10E-01 4.438E-01 1.67E+11 8 12 2Po 5 2De 9 4 4 110.84 150.59 158.81 6.16E-02 8.992E-02 3.34E+10 10 12 2Po 8 2De 9 2 4 77662 158.80 158.81 6.68E-03 3.418E+00 3.70E+03 1 13 2Se 1 2Po 8 2 4 5.74 0.00 158.81 1.85E-02 6.998E-04 1.88E+12 3 13 2Se 2 2Po 8 2 4 28.66 127.01 158.81 6.66E-02 1.257E-02 2.71E+11 5 13 2Se 4 2Po 8 2 4 110.46 150.56 158.81 3.17E-01 2.302E-01 8.65E+10 7 13 2De 6 2Po 8 4 4 110.83 150.59 158.81 1.80E-03 2.623E-03 9.76E+08 9 13 2De 6 2Po 8 6 4 110.96 150.60 158.81 1.10E-02 2.411E-02 8.94E+09 11 13 2Se 7 2Po 8 2 4 77957 158.80 158.81 8.32E-03 4.269E+00 4.56E+03 7 14 2De 6 2Fo10 4 6 110.78 150.59 158.81 1.02E+00 1.481E+00 3.68E+11 9 14 2De 6 2Fo10 6 6 110.91 150.60 158.81 4.84E-02 1.060E-01 2.62E+10 12 14 2De 9 2Fo10 4 6 230739 158.81 158.81 1.18E-03 3.585E+00 9.85E+01 4 15 2Po 3 2De 9 4 6 28.74 127.11 158.81 1.09E-01 4.128E-02 5.87E+11 8 15 2Po 5 2De 9 4 6 110.78 150.59 158.81 5.54E-01 8.081E-01 2.01E+11 13 15 2Po 8 2De 9 4 6 231077 158.81 158.81 2.02E-03 6.141E+00 1.68E+02 9 16 2De 6 2Fo10 6 8 110.88 150.60 158.82 9.68E-01 2.120E+00 3.94E+11 15 16 2De 9 2Fo10 6 8 460782 158.81 158.82 5.62E-04 5.112E+00 1.32E+01 Number of non-zero E1 transitions = 42 Number of dipole transitions, E1d = 42 Number of lines in the table = 65 ************************************************************************* 6) Allowed E1 transitions with intercombination spin multiplicity - E1i Explanantion: ------------- Ni, Nj -> energy level number in Table ii SLpC -> symmetry SLpi of configuration C wl -> Transition wavelength Ei, Ej -> Energies of levels in Rydberg fij -> oscillator strength S -> line strength for E1 transitions aij -> Radiative decay rate/ Transition probability ---------------------------------------------------------- Fine structure E1i intercombination transitions in Breit-Pauli approx: Ni Nj SLpCi SLpCj gi gj wl(A) Ei(Ry) Ej(Ry) fij S aji(s-1) Number of non-zero E1 transitions = 42 Number of intercombination transitions, E1i = 0 Number of lines in the table = 65 *******************************************************************************" 7) Forbidden E3 and M2 transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ignore the negative signs, for internal purpose, in linestrengths S): Explanantion: ------------- Ni, Nj -> energy level number in Table ii SLpC -> symmetry SLpi of configuration C gi,gj -> statistical weight factors of initial and final states wl = Transition wavelengths Ei,Ej -> level energies of initial and final state SE3, SM2 -> line strengths for E3, M2 transitions AE3, AM2 -> Radiative Decay Rates for E3, M2 transitions ---------------------------------------------------------- Forbidden octu E3 and quadrupole M2 transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation: Ni Nj SLpCi SLpCj gi gj wl(A) Ei(Ry) Ej(Ry) SE3 AE3(s-1) SM2 AM2(s-1) 2 9 2Po 3 2De 6 2 6 38.63 1.270E+02 1.506E+02 1.99E-02 1.62E+04 4.50E+00 1.30E+05 6 9 2Po 5 2De 6 2 6 24421 1.506E+02 1.506E+02 6.13E-01 1.24E-14 2.05E+01 5.86E-09 9 10 2De 6 2Po 8 6 2 111.12 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 3.91E-01 5.88E+02 3.52E-01 1.55E+02 1 14 2Se 1 2Fo10 2 6 5.74 0.000E+00 1.588E+02 2.50E-09 1.28E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3 14 2Se 2 2Fo10 2 6 28.65 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 1.56E-02 1.03E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5 14 2Se 4 2Fo10 2 6 110.41 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 1.77E+00 9.29E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 11 14 2Se 7 2Fo10 2 6 58301 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 8.80E+00 4.03E-16 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 15 2Po 3 2De 9 2 6 28.65 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 1.45E-05 9.60E+01 5.84E-01 7.51E+04 6 15 2Po 5 2De 9 2 6 110.41 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 1.70E+00 8.91E+02 1.13E+01 1.72E+03 10 15 2Po 8 2De 9 2 6 58095 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 2.93E+01 1.37E-15 8.75E+01 3.29E-10 1 16 2Se 1 2Fo10 2 8 5.74 0.000E+00 1.588E+02 3.33E-09 1.28E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3 16 2Se 2 2Fo10 2 8 28.65 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 2.08E-02 1.03E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5 16 2Se 4 2Fo10 2 8 110.38 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 2.36E+00 9.31E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 16 2De 6 2Fo10 4 8 110.75 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 6.45E-01 2.48E+02 3.61E+01 4.04E+03 11 16 2Se 7 2Fo10 2 8 51745 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 1.17E+01 9.28E-16 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 12 16 2De 9 2Fo10 4 8 153680 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 8.06E+00 3.13E-19 8.74E+01 1.90E-12 Number of transitions: E3 = 16, M2 = 8, Total E3+M2 = 24 Total number of lines of M2/E3 transitions = 16 ***************************************************************************** 8) Forbidden E2 and M1 transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ignore the negative signs, for internal purpose, in linestrengths S): Explanantion: ------------- Ni, Nj -> energy level number in Table ii SLpC -> symmetry SLpi of configuration C gi,gj -> statistical weight factors of initial and final states wl = Transition wavelengths Ei,Ej -> level energies of initial and final state SE2, SM1 -> line strengths for E2, M1 transitions AE2, AM1 -> radiative decay rates for E2, M1 transitions ---------------------------------------------------------- Forbidden quad E2 and dipoe M1 transitions in Breit-Pauli approximation: Ni Nj SLpCi SLpCj gi gj wl(A) Ei(Ry) Ej(Ry) SE2 AE2(s-1) SM1 AM1(s-1) 1 3 2Se 1 2Se 2 2 2 7.17 0.000E+00 1.270E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.55E-06 3.49E+05 2 4 2Po 3 2Po 3 2 4 9563 1.270E+02 1.271E+02 1.67E-02 8.76E-05 1.33E+00 1.03E+01 1 5 2Se 1 2Se 4 2 2 6.05 0.000E+00 1.506E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.63E-06 1.60E+05 3 5 2Se 2 2Se 4 2 2 38.70 1.270E+02 1.506E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.11E-06 2.59E+02 2 6 2Po 3 2Po 5 2 2 38.70 1.270E+02 1.506E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.91E-07 6.78E+01 4 6 2Po 3 2Po 5 4 2 38.85 1.271E+02 1.506E+02 1.21E-02 1.15E+08 8.44E-06 1.94E+03 1 7 2Se 1 2De 6 2 4 6.05 0.000E+00 1.506E+02 5.65E-05 2.93E+09 8.56E-08 2.60E+03 3 7 2Se 2 2De 6 2 4 38.65 1.270E+02 1.506E+02 5.11E-02 2.49E+08 2.42E-07 2.83E+01 5 7 2Se 4 2De 6 2 4 32630 1.506E+02 1.506E+02 3.77E-01 4.28E-06 8.57E-09 1.66E-09 2 8 2Po 3 2Po 5 2 4 38.65 1.270E+02 1.506E+02 1.18E-02 5.76E+07 3.49E-06 4.08E+02 4 8 2Po 3 2Po 5 4 4 38.81 1.271E+02 1.506E+02 1.21E-02 5.76E+07 4.23E-06 4.88E+02 6 8 2Po 5 2Po 5 2 4 32464 1.506E+02 1.506E+02 6.02E-01 7.01E-06 1.33E+00 2.63E-01 1 9 2Se 1 2De 6 2 6 6.05 0.000E+00 1.506E+02 8.47E-05 2.92E+09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3 9 2Se 2 2De 6 2 6 38.64 1.270E+02 1.506E+02 7.66E-02 2.49E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5 9 2Se 4 2De 6 2 6 24415 1.506E+02 1.506E+02 5.66E-01 1.83E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 9 2De 6 2De 6 4 6 96978 1.506E+02 1.506E+02 1.27E-01 4.14E-09 2.40E+00 1.18E-02 2 10 2Po 3 2Po 8 2 2 28.67 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.00E-08 5.15E+01 4 10 2Po 3 2Po 8 4 2 28.75 1.271E+02 1.588E+02 1.11E-03 4.73E+07 2.03E-06 1.15E+03 6 10 2Po 5 2Po 8 2 2 110.62 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.77E-08 8.74E-01 8 10 2Po 5 2Po 8 4 2 110.99 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 2.45E-01 1.22E+07 7.65E-06 7.54E+01 1 11 2Se 1 2Se 7 2 2 5.74 0.000E+00 1.588E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.41E-06 1.00E+05 3 11 2Se 2 2Se 7 2 2 28.67 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.04E-07 2.31E+02 5 11 2Se 4 2Se 7 2 2 110.61 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.78E-07 2.77E+00 7 11 2De 6 2Se 7 4 2 110.99 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 3.94E-02 1.96E+06 3.57E-11 3.52E-04 9 11 2De 6 2Se 7 6 2 111.12 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 5.99E-02 2.97E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1 12 2Se 1 2De 9 2 4 5.74 0.000E+00 1.588E+02 2.82E-05 1.91E+09 3.70E-08 1.32E+03 3 12 2Se 2 2De 9 2 4 28.66 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 1.09E-03 2.37E+07 6.50E-08 1.86E+01 5 12 2Se 4 2De 9 2 4 110.46 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 7.13E-01 1.82E+07 2.38E-08 1.19E-01 7 12 2De 6 2De 9 4 4 110.83 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 1.59E-01 4.00E+06 5.08E-07 2.51E+00 9 12 2De 6 2De 9 6 4 110.96 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 6.88E-02 1.72E+06 1.66E-06 8.17E+00 11 12 2Se 7 2De 9 2 4 78013 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 5.39E+00 7.84E-07 5.45E-09 7.73E-11 2 13 2Po 3 2Po 8 2 4 28.66 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 1.01E-03 2.20E+07 6.81E-07 1.95E+02 4 13 2Po 3 2Po 8 4 4 28.74 1.271E+02 1.588E+02 1.11E-03 2.38E+07 1.36E-06 3.87E+02 6 13 2Po 5 2Po 8 2 4 110.46 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 2.38E-01 6.08E+06 5.00E-06 2.50E+01 8 13 2Po 5 2Po 8 4 4 110.84 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 2.44E-01 6.12E+06 1.28E-06 6.35E+00 10 13 2Po 8 2Po 8 2 4 77606 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 6.74E+00 1.00E-06 1.33E+00 1.92E-02 2 14 2Po 3 2Fo10 2 6 28.65 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 1.62E-02 2.34E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4 14 2Po 3 2Fo10 4 6 28.74 1.271E+02 1.588E+02 4.65E-03 6.64E+07 6.66E-08 1.26E+01 6 14 2Po 5 2Fo10 2 6 110.41 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 1.29E+00 2.20E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8 14 2Po 5 2Fo10 4 6 110.78 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 3.71E-01 6.22E+06 1.01E-07 3.33E-01 10 14 2Po 8 2Fo10 2 6 58105 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 3.78E+00 1.60E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 13 14 2Po 8 2Fo10 4 6 231231 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 1.08E+00 4.56E-10 2.30E-09 8.35E-13 1 15 2Se 1 2De 9 2 6 5.74 0.000E+00 1.588E+02 4.24E-05 1.91E+09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3 15 2Se 2 2De 9 2 6 28.65 1.270E+02 1.588E+02 1.65E-03 2.39E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5 15 2Se 4 2De 9 2 6 110.41 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 1.07E+00 1.82E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 15 2De 6 2De 9 4 6 110.78 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 6.82E-02 1.14E+06 5.13E-07 1.70E+00 9 15 2De 6 2De 9 6 6 110.91 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 2.75E-01 4.58E+06 2.54E-06 8.37E+00 11 15 2Se 7 2De 9 2 6 58292 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 8.09E+00 3.36E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 12 15 2De 9 2De 9 4 6 230586 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 2.03E+00 8.74E-10 2.40E+00 8.80E-04 4 16 2Po 3 2Fo10 4 8 28.74 1.271E+02 1.588E+02 2.79E-02 2.99E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8 16 2Po 5 2Fo10 4 8 110.76 1.506E+02 1.588E+02 2.22E+00 2.80E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 13 16 2Po 8 2Fo10 4 8 153898 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 6.46E+00 1.57E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 14 16 2Fo10 2Fo10 6 8 460172 1.588E+02 1.588E+02 6.90E-01 7.04E-12 3.42E+00 1.19E-04 Number of transitions: E2 = 44, M1 = 39, Total E2+M1 = 83 Total number of transitions lines (including non-spectroscopic) = 53 NT= total number of forbidden (E2,M1,E3,M2) transitions = 83 + 24 = 107 Net allowed (E1) and forbidden (E2,M1,E3,M2) transitions = = 42 + 107 = 149