*************************** 786 ******************************************* Ref. "K$_{\alpha}$ Transition Probabilities for Platinum and Uranium Ions for possible X-ray Biomedical Applications", S.N. Nahar, A.K. Pradhan, S. Lim, Can. J. Phys. 89, 483-494 (2011, doi: 10.1139/p11-020) ************************************************************************** Contents: --------- Xray spectral lines of Pt, from H-(Pt 77+) to F-like (Pt 69+) ions. Pt: Due to K-alpha (1s-2p) transitions from F-like to H-like ions, these transitions can occur in one event when the ion goes through multiple inner K-shell ionization in cascade of Auger decays followed by an inner K-shell ionization. These values correspond to transition energies and photoexcitation cross sections. Process: Pt(n+)* <-> Pt(n+1)+ + Pt(h\nu Data tables: ------------ 1) Table of energies and photoabsorption cross sections for all transitions 2) Table of spectral lines: It is Table 1 reduced to unique transition energies where photoexcitation cross sections at same transition energies are summed 3) Background photoionization cross section of the element from NIST. The x-ray spectral lines can also appear as resonances on the background. **************************************************************************** ) Table of energies and photoabsorption cross sections for all transitions ---------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation of the table line : Z = Nuclear charge, No. of ion ion electrons, Atomic weight line: AMU= ion mass in atomic unit The table below contains transition energies E in units of keV and Ry, and provides the photoabsorption cross sections and absorption coefficient. These have been obtained from the f-FS file.. -------------------Original data ------------------- Z=78, AMU= 195.08 E(keV) E(Ry) CS(Mb) AbsCf(cm2/g) Ci 1 = 1s Cj 3 = 2p 67.0185 4.92577E+03 8.0189E-01 2.4755E+03 68.4996 5.03462E+03 1.5794E+00 4.8757E+03 LS 68.0715 5.00316E+03 2.3819E+00 7.3530E+03 Total No of transitions= 2, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 2.95E-01 2.38E+00 7.35E+03 Ci 1 = 1s1s Cj 3 = 1s2p 67.7510 4.97960E+03 3.2000E+00 9.8784E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.5053E+00 4.6469E+03 LS 67.7456 4.97921E+03 3.2000E+00 9.8784E+03 Total No of transitions= 2, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 5.83E-01 4.71E+00 1.45E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s Cj 11 = 1s2s2p 66.6582 4.89929E+03 4.1121E-01 1.2694E+03 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.4446E+00 4.4594E+03 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.0066E+00 3.1075E+03 68.1232 5.00696E+03 6.8070E-01 2.1014E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.1547E-01 3.5645E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 9.4219E-01 2.9086E+03 LS 67.6658 4.97334E+03 3.5441E+00 1.0941E+04 Total No of transitions= 6, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 5.71E-01 4.60E+00 1.42E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s2s Cj 28 = 1s2s2s2p 67.7510 4.97960E+03 2.7849E+00 8.5971E+03 66.3017 4.87309E+03 1.3167E+00 4.0648E+03 LS 67.7257 4.97775E+03 2.7849E+00 8.5971E+03 Total No of transitions= 2, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 5.09E-01 4.10E+00 1.27E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s2s2p Cj 22 = 1s2s2s2p2p 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.8568E-03 1.1906E+01 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.5618E-01 4.8214E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 7.5128E-01 2.3192E+03 67.7510 4.97960E+03 9.9721E-01 3.0784E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 2.5032E-01 7.7276E+02 69.2649 5.09088E+03 9.8315E-05 3.0350E-01 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.4465E+00 4.4653E+03 69.2649 5.09088E+03 8.8932E-05 2.7454E-01 67.7510 4.97960E+03 3.5471E-01 1.0950E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 6.9880E-01 2.1572E+03 64.2405 4.72159E+03 6.4797E-04 2.0003E+00 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.9046E+00 5.8797E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.3834E-01 1.0445E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.7777E-01 1.1662E+03 LS 67.0610 4.92889E+03 6.9224E+00 2.1370E+04 Total No of transitions= 14, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 9.03E-01 7.28E+00 2.25E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s2s2p2p Cj 17 = 1s2s2s2p2p2p 65.9491 4.84717E+03 5.4033E-01 1.6680E+03 64.2405 4.72159E+03 2.7207E-04 8.3988E-01 67.7510 4.97960E+03 2.7409E+00 8.4614E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.0990E-01 3.3926E+02 64.5751 4.74618E+03 2.9741E-04 9.1812E-01 65.9491 4.84717E+03 6.3558E-01 1.9621E+03 69.2649 5.09088E+03 1.8757E-04 5.7905E-01 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.1604E+00 3.5821E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 2.6944E-01 8.3177E+02 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.2586E+00 3.8853E+03 67.7510 4.97960E+03 2.2475E-01 6.9383E+02 67.7510 4.97960E+03 3.5000E-01 1.0805E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.3540E+00 4.1799E+03 69.2649 5.09088E+03 2.0204E-06 6.2370E-03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 7.1302E-01 2.2011E+03 70.8481 5.20724E+03 6.1715E-07 1.9052E-03 69.2649 5.09088E+03 1.2127E-04 3.7438E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.9030E-01 2.1310E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.0836E-01 9.5193E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.2258E-01 9.9582E+02 64.2405 4.72159E+03 4.2579E-04 1.3144E+00 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.8635E-01 1.1927E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 1.4908E-02 4.6023E+01 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.5554E-01 4.8017E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.3241E-01 1.0262E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 1.4421E-01 4.4517E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 5.6077E-07 1.7311E-03 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.9839E-01 6.1245E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 2.9598E-01 9.1369E+02 69.2649 5.09088E+03 1.5974E-04 4.9313E-01 67.7510 4.97960E+03 1.0543E-01 3.2546E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.7052E-05 1.1438E-01 68.8801 5.06260E+03 6.1676E-05 1.9040E-01 69.2649 5.09088E+03 8.6534E-07 2.6713E-03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 1.4350E+00 4.4298E+03 LS 66.8313 4.91201E+03 9.8866E+00 3.0520E+04 Total No of transitions= 35, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 1.70E+00 1.37E+01 4.24E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s2s2p2p2p Cj 14 = 1s2s2s2p2p2p2p 65.9491 4.84717E+03 5.2245E-01 1.6128E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 1.3487E+00 4.1636E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.4457E-01 1.0637E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.6502E-05 5.0943E-02 64.2405 4.72159E+03 4.1706E-04 1.2875E+00 65.9491 4.84717E+03 6.4211E-01 1.9822E+03 64.2405 4.72159E+03 1.3440E-04 4.1490E-01 68.8801 5.06260E+03 5.8556E-05 1.8076E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.5092E-02 1.0833E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 1.7661E-03 5.4520E+00 65.6001 4.82152E+03 1.4434E-01 4.4558E+02 68.8801 5.06260E+03 1.7295E-05 5.3390E-02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.5178E-01 2.0121E+03 65.6001 4.82152E+03 6.8257E-01 2.1071E+03 68.8801 5.06260E+03 7.9708E-06 2.4606E-02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 4.8160E-01 1.4867E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 2.2337E-01 6.8954E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 8.4442E-02 2.6067E+02 68.8801 5.06260E+03 4.8371E-05 1.4932E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.5159E-01 1.0854E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 2.8862E-01 8.9097E+02 64.2405 4.72159E+03 9.2525E-05 2.8563E-01 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.3642E-01 4.2113E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 3.3357E-01 1.0297E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.2557E-05 3.8765E-02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.4978E-01 2.0059E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.4860E-02 2.0023E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 5.5605E-01 1.7166E+03 68.8801 5.06260E+03 9.2274E-05 2.8485E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 7.0065E-01 2.1629E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 9.1926E-01 2.8378E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.1171E-01 9.6227E+02 70.4456 5.17765E+03 1.6004E-07 4.9405E-04 68.8801 5.06260E+03 7.2019E-05 2.2233E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.9757E-01 2.1534E+03 LS 66.8033 4.90995E+03 1.0251E+01 3.1645E+04 Total No of transitions= 35, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 1.26E+00 1.02E+01 3.14E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s2s2p2p2p2p Cj 18 = 1s2s2s2p2p2p2p2p 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.5968E-01 2.0365E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 5.2972E-01 1.6353E+03 67.3827 4.95254E+03 1.3217E+00 4.0801E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.1446E-01 9.7074E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 4.3445E-01 1.3412E+03 68.8801 5.06260E+03 3.7106E-05 1.1455E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 2.1135E-01 6.5244E+02 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.3205E+00 4.0764E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 3.0610E-01 9.4495E+02 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.3848E-01 1.9710E+03 65.9491 4.84717E+03 1.1181E-01 3.4515E+02 64.2405 4.72159E+03 4.7285E-04 1.4597E+00 68.8801 5.06260E+03 1.4172E-04 4.3750E-01 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.7204E-01 2.0746E+03 LS 67.1219 4.93337E+03 1.1086E+01 3.4224E+04 Total No of transitions= 14, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 8.09E-01 6.52E+00 2.01E+04 Ci 1 = 1s1s2s2s2p2p2p2p2p Cj 16 = 1s2s2s2p2p2p2p2p2p 67.3827 4.95254E+03 6.7138E-01 2.0726E+03 65.6001 4.82152E+03 6.5785E-01 2.0308E+03 LS 66.7444 4.90562E+03 2.0006E+00 6.1761E+03 Total No of transitions= 2, f-,CS-,Absorption cf= 1.65E-01 1.33E+00 4.10E+03 ************************************************************* 2) Table of spectral lines: It is Table 1 reduced to unique transition energies where photoexcitation cross sections at same transition energies are summed E is transition energy, cs=photoabsorption cross sectin in Mb, AbsCf is the absorption coefficients of transitions Note: All transitions from each ionic state have been combined in the table. sum indicates summed cross sections for transitions at same transition energy. Interpolated indiates an interpolated point when there is no plotting point, but a curve plot would give wrong feature. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MU= 195.08: energy order regardless of ionic state E(keV) E(Ry) CS(Mb) AbsCf(cm2/g) 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 4.7285E-04 7.60501+00 : sum 0.0645751 4.74618E+03 2.9741E-04 9.1812E-01 0.0656001 4.82152E+03 6.5785E-01 4.58348+03 : sum 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.1181E-01 4.4336E+04 : sum 0.0663017 4.87309E+03 1.3167E+00 4.0648E+03 0.0666582 4.89929E+03 4.1121E-01 1.2694E+03 0.0670185 4.92577E+03 8.0189E-01 2.4755E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.7138E-01 4.8102E+04 : sum 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.0543E-01 5.9354E+04 : sum 0.0681232 5.00696E+03 6.8070E-01 2.1014E+03 0.0684996 5.03462E+03 1.5794E+00 4.8757E+03 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 1.4172E-04 1.6577E+00 : sum 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 8.6534E-07 2.0335E+00 : sum 0.0708481 5.20724E+03 6.1715E-07 1.9052E-03 0.0704456 5.17765E+03 1.6004E-07 4.9405E-04 ------ combining original data that formed the above spectral lines 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 6.4797E-04 2.0003E+00 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 2.7207E-04 8.3988E-01 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 4.2579E-04 1.3144E+00 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 4.1706E-04 1.2875E+00 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 1.3440E-04 4.1490E-01 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 9.2525E-05 2.8563E-01 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 4.7285E-04 1.4597E+00 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 4.7285E-04 7.60501+00 : sum 0.0645751 4.74618E+03 2.9741E-04 9.1812E-01 0.0656001 4.82152E+03 1.4434E-01 4.4558E+02 0.0656001 4.82152E+03 6.8257E-01 2.1071E+03 0.0656001 4.82152E+03 6.5785E-01 2.0308E+03 0.0656001 4.82152E+03 6.5785E-01 4.58348+03 : sum 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.5053E+00 4.6469E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.1547E-01 3.5645E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 9.4219E-01 2.9086E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.5618E-01 4.8214E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 7.5128E-01 2.3192E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 2.5032E-01 7.7276E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 6.9880E-01 2.1572E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.3834E-01 1.0445E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 5.4033E-01 1.6680E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.0990E-01 3.3926E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 6.3558E-01 1.9621E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 2.6944E-01 8.3177E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.3540E+00 4.1799E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.0836E-01 9.5193E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.2258E-01 9.9582E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.5554E-01 4.8017E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 5.6077E-07 1.7311E-03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 2.9598E-01 9.1369E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.7052E-05 1.1438E-01 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 5.2245E-01 1.6128E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.4457E-01 1.0637E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.6502E-05 5.0943E-02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 6.4211E-01 1.9822E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 2.2337E-01 6.8954E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 2.8862E-01 8.9097E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.3642E-01 4.2113E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.2557E-05 3.8765E-02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.1171E-01 9.6227E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 5.2972E-01 1.6353E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.1446E-01 9.7074E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.3205E+00 4.0764E+03 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 3.0610E-01 9.4495E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.1181E-01 3.4515E+02 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.1181E-01 4.4336E+04 : sum 0.0663017 4.87309E+03 1.3167E+00 4.0648E+03 0.0666582 4.89929E+03 4.1121E-01 1.2694E+03 0.0670185 4.92577E+03 8.0189E-01 2.4755E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.8568E-03 1.1906E+01 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.7777E-01 1.1662E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 7.1302E-01 2.2011E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.9030E-01 2.1310E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.8635E-01 1.1927E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 1.4908E-02 4.6023E+01 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.3241E-01 1.0262E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 1.4421E-01 4.4517E+02 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 1.4350E+00 4.4298E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 1.3487E+00 4.1636E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 4.8160E-01 1.4867E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.5092E-02 1.0833E+02 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 1.7661E-03 5.4520E+00 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.5178E-01 2.0121E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 8.4442E-02 2.6067E+02 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.5159E-01 1.0854E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 3.3357E-01 1.0297E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.4978E-01 2.0059E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.4860E-02 2.0023E+02 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 5.5605E-01 1.7166E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 7.0065E-01 2.1629E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 9.1926E-01 2.8378E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.9757E-01 2.1534E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.5968E-01 2.0365E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 1.3217E+00 4.0801E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 4.3445E-01 1.3412E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 2.1135E-01 6.5244E+02 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.3848E-01 1.9710E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.7204E-01 2.0746E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.7138E-01 2.0726E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.7138E-01 4.8102E+04 : sum 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 3.2000E+00 9.8784E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.4446E+00 4.4594E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.0066E+00 3.1075E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 2.7849E+00 8.5971E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 9.9721E-01 3.0784E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.4465E+00 4.4653E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 3.5471E-01 1.0950E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.9046E+00 5.8797E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 2.7409E+00 8.4614E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.1604E+00 3.5821E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.2586E+00 3.8853E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 2.2475E-01 6.9383E+02 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 3.5000E-01 1.0805E+03 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.9839E-01 6.1245E+02 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.0543E-01 3.2546E+02 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.0543E-01 5.9354E+04 : sum 0.0681232 5.00696E+03 6.8070E-01 2.1014E+03 0.0684996 5.03462E+03 1.5794E+00 4.8757E+03 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 6.1676E-05 1.9040E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 5.8556E-05 1.8076E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 1.7295E-05 5.3390E-02 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 7.9708E-06 2.4606E-02 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 4.8371E-05 1.4932E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 9.2274E-05 2.8485E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 7.2019E-05 2.2233E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 3.7106E-05 1.1455E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 1.4172E-04 4.3750E-01 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 1.4172E-04 1.6577E+00 : sum 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 9.8315E-05 3.0350E-01 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 8.8932E-05 2.7454E-01 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 1.8757E-04 5.7905E-01 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 2.0204E-06 6.2370E-03 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 1.2127E-04 3.7438E-01 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 1.5974E-04 4.9313E-01 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 8.6534E-07 2.6713E-03 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 8.6534E-07 2.0335E+00 : sum 0.0708481 5.20724E+03 6.1715E-07 1.9052E-03 0.0704456 5.17765E+03 1.6004E-07 4.9405E-04 ***************************************************************** 3) Background photoionization cross section of the element from NIST ----------------------------------------------------------- 786 Atomic Number : 78 Edge Photon Scattering Photoelectric Pair Production Total Attenuation Energy Coherent Incoherent Absorption in Nuclear-field in Electron field with coherent w/o coherent scat MeV cm2/g cm2/g cm2/g cm2/g cm2/g cm2/g cm2/g 1.000E-03 1.21E+01 3.37E-03 4.42E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.43E+03 4.42E+03 1.500E-03 1.16E+01 6.21E-03 1.97E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.99E+03 1.97E+03 2.000E-03 1.11E+01 9.13E-03 1.07E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.08E+03 1.07E+03 2.122E-03 1.09E+01 9.84E-03 9.40E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.51E+02 9.40E+02 2.122E-03 1.09E+01 9.84E-03 1.02E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.03E+03 1.02E+03 2.161E-03 1.09E+01 1.01E-02 1.53E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.54E+03 1.53E+03 2.202E-03 1.08E+01 1.03E-02 2.29E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.30E+03 2.29E+03 2.202E-03 1.08E+01 1.03E-02 2.44E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.45E+03 2.44E+03 2.413E-03 1.06E+01 1.15E-02 2.37E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.38E+03 2.37E+03 2.645E-03 1.03E+01 1.28E-02 2.29E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.30E+03 2.29E+03 2.645E-03 1.03E+01 1.28E-02 2.65E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.66E+03 2.65E+03 2.645E-03 1.03E+01 1.28E-02 2.65E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.66E+03 2.65E+03 3.000E-03 9.92E+00 1.48E-02 1.96E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.97E+03 1.96E+03 3.026E-03 9.89E+00 1.50E-02 1.91E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.92E+03 1.91E+03 3.026E-03 9.89E+00 1.50E-02 2.03E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.04E+03 2.03E+03 3.158E-03 9.74E+00 1.57E-02 1.84E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.85E+03 1.84E+03 3.296E-03 9.59E+00 1.64E-02 1.66E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.67E+03 1.66E+03 3.296E-03 9.59E+00 1.64E-02 1.73E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.74E+03 1.73E+03 4.000E-03 8.84E+00 2.02E-02 1.09E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.10E+03 1.09E+03 5.000E-03 7.89E+00 2.53E-02 6.32E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.40E+02 6.32E+02 6.000E-03 7.06E+00 3.02E-02 4.01E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.08E+02 4.01E+02 8.000E-03 5.74E+00 3.91E-02 1.93E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.99E+02 1.93E+02 1.000E-02 4.74E+00 4.65E-02 1.08E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.13E+02 1.08E+02 1.156E-02 4.12E+00 5.15E-02 7.43E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.84E+01 7.43E+01 1.156E-02 4.12E+00 5.15E-02 1.90E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.95E+02 1.91E+02 1.239E-02 3.84E+00 5.38E-02 1.58E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.62E+02 1.58E+02 1.327E-02 3.56E+00 5.61E-02 1.31E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.35E+02 1.31E+02 1.327E-02 3.56E+00 5.61E-02 1.82E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.85E+02 1.82E+02 1.357E-02 3.48E+00 5.69E-02 1.72E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.76E+02 1.72E+02 1.388E-02 3.39E+00 5.77E-02 1.63E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.67E+02 1.63E+02 1.388E-02 3.39E+00 5.77E-02 1.89E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.92E+02 1.89E+02 1.500E-02 3.11E+00 6.04E-02 1.55E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.58E+02 1.55E+02 2.000E-02 2.19E+00 7.06E-02 7.35E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.57E+01 7.35E+01 3.000E-02 1.29E+00 8.44E-02 2.50E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.64E+01 2.51E+01 4.000E-02 8.59E-01 9.23E-02 1.15E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.24E+01 1.16E+01 5.000E-02 6.09E-01 9.68E-02 6.25E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.95E+00 6.34E+00 6.000E-02 4.56E-01 9.93E-02 3.78E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.34E+00 3.88E+00 6.400E-02 4.56E-01 9.93E-02 3.40E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.34E+00 3.88E+00 -> extrapolate 0.0642405 4.72159E+03 4.7285E-04 7.60501+00 : sum 0.0645751 4.74618E+03 2.9741E-04 9.1812E-01 0.0656001 4.82152E+03 6.5785E-01 4.58348+03 : sum 0.0659491 4.84717E+03 1.1181E-01 4.4336E+04 : sum 0.0663017 4.87309E+03 1.3167E+00 4.0648E+03 0.0666582 4.89929E+03 4.1121E-01 1.2694E+03 0.0670185 4.92577E+03 8.0189E-01 2.4755E+03 0.0673827 4.95254E+03 6.7138E-01 4.8102E+04 : sum 0.0677510 4.97960E+03 1.0543E-01 5.9354E+04 : sum 0.0681232 5.00696E+03 6.8070E-01 2.1014E+03 0.0684996 5.03462E+03 1.5794E+00 4.8757E+03 0.0688801 5.06260E+03 1.4172E-04 1.6577E+00 : sum 0.0692649 5.09088E+03 8.6534E-07 2.0335E+00 : sum 0.0708481 5.20724E+03 6.1715E-07 1.9052E-03 0.0704456 5.17765E+03 1.6004E-07 4.9405E-04 0.0705000 5.17765E+03 1.6004E-07 2.9100E+00 -> extrapolated