Sultana N. Nahar
Atom Atom Atom Iron Spectrum Iron Spectrum

"NORAD-Atomic-Data (NORAD: Nahar-OSU-Radiative-Atomic-Data)"

Accuracy & Benchmarking
1 Atomic Radiative Data (Z upto 28)
2 Atomic Radiative Data (Z > 28)
3 EIE Collisional Data
4 Measured Lines & Energies Data
5 Measured Photoionization Data
Program Codes
Line Ratios

  • URGENT REQUEST to support accessibility: For continuing access it is imperative to obtain support from all users. Otherwise, access to NORAD data may have to be discontinued. Kindly provide the following two NORAD references in any resulting publications
  • 1. "`Database NORAD-Atomic-Data for atomic processes in plasma", Sultana N. Nahar, Atoms 8, issue 4, 68 (2020)
  • 2. "Enhancement of Database NORAD-Atomic- Data for Atomic Processes in Plasma", Sultana N. Nahar and Guillermo Hinojosa-Aguirre, Atoms 12, 22 (2024)
    Also provide your name and affiliation, by clicking HERE . Thank you. - Sultana N Nahar, May 2024
  • Atom - NORAD-Atomic-Data Access metric charts
  • Introduction:
  • Brief Description of NORAD-Atomic-Data database:
  • The on-line NORAD-Atomic-Data based at the Ohio State University contains large amount calculated atomic data relevant to various radiative and collisional atomic processes, such as, excitation of energies, photoionization, electron-ion recombination, radiative transitions, lifetimes, etc relevant to astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. They are obtained mainly from large scale R-MATRIX calculations and some from atomic structure program SUPERSTRUCTURE carried out at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) by Nahar et al

  • Each datafile contains the reference of the data. The referenced papers are available at Research Publications

  • Contents of Atomic Data files are:
    - i) Energies,
    - ii) Oscillator Strengths, transition probabilities for allowed and forbidden transitions,
    - iii) Photoionization cross sections,
    - iv) Electron-Ion Recombination cross sections and rate coefficients,
    - v) Lifetimes,

  • Recent enhancements are: following additional data are being added to the database

    - vi) spectral points with transition energies (independent of plasma environment)
    - vii) Collision Strengths (OMEGA) (limited data),
    - viii) Experimental energies and lines,
    - ix) Experimental photoionization cross sections
    - x) Interactive Line-ratios calculation for astrophysical spectra using NORAD-Atomic-Data

    A significant part of the atomic data were obtained under the two international collaborations,

  • the Opacity Project (OP), and
  • the Iron Project (IP).
    - NORAD-Atomic-Data are either new/updated over those from the OP and IP available at databases
  • TOPbase,
  • TIPbase
    - You may be interested in the monochromatice opacity data and codes from the OP and IP at OPserver at Ohio Supercomputer Center site:
  • OPserver

  • The atomic processes are considered for large number of energy levels, typically going up to n=10 that are needed for complete astrophysical models, diagnostics of astrophysical and laboratory plasma. Hence each ion has significant amount of data.

  • Current data at NORAD-Atomic-Data:

    The database includes:
    -Radiative atomic data for:
    181 [102 in Table 1 with Z=1-28 + 80 in Table 2 with Z > 28] atoms & ions

    -Atomic collision data for:
    1 ion (Ca IV) in Table 3

    -Measured line and energy data
    8 ions (heavy elements) in Table 4

    -Measured Photoionization Cross Sections
    8 ions in Table 5

    Total number of atomic species: i99

    - additional data for 42 ions are under process
    - New data are added with publications. SNN would appreciate acknowledgement of usage of NORAD-Atomic-Data web-page in your publications
    - All files are in standard ascii character format for easy downloading and direct application to models. Spectroscopic information for all levels and transitions are provided. The spectroscopic identifications are given mainly in the energy tables. They can be connected to the numerical identification codes given in cross section and rate coefficient files.

  • This page set-up was initiated by Dr. Carlos Allende Prieto at the Steller Astrophysics II conference, Peurto Vallarta, Mexico, April 2007


  • Atom Article on NORAD-Atomic-Data was highlighted in the front page of ATOMS:

  • 1. "`Database NORAD-Atomic-Data for atomic processes in plasma", Sultana N. Nahar, Atoms 8, issue 4, 68 (2020)
    - The paper provides information, methodology, description of NORAD-Atomic-Data

  • 2. "Enhancement of Database NORAD-Atomic- Data for Atomic Processes in Plasma", Sultana N. Nahar and Guillermo Hinojosa-Aguirre, Atoms 12. 22 (2024)
    (Preprints 2023, doi: 10.20944/preprints202312.1161.v1,
    - describes additions to NORAD with experimental descriptions

  • Presentations:

  • 3. Presentation at 55th annual meeting of APS Division of Atomic. Molecular, and Optical Physcs (DAMOP) "Enhancement of database NORAD-Atomic-Data for atomic processes in plasma" with Abstract 4A.00004 at the DAMOP website, Fort Worth, Texas, June 3-6, 2024
  • 2. "NORAD-Atomic-Data for Atomic Processes at the Ohio State University", Sultana N. Nahar, "Joint Workshop Between Battelle and Ohio State on Big Data and Cyber Security", Session II, Dreese Lab 260, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Dec 5, 2012, Abstract, Bio
  • 1. "NORAD-ATOMIC-DATA for Radiative Processes at the Ohio State University", Sultana N. Nahar, Poster 31, ICAMDATA, NIST, October 2012, Abstract

  • Citations:
    - Some citation references
  • Comments
    - "Unique and best resource for opaicty calculation", VahidReza Adineh, Islamic Azad University in Iran
    - Letter: Dr. Walter F. Huebner Southwest Research Institute, Texas

  • NEWS:
    NORAD-Atomic-Data can be accessed from database pages, such as,
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • CfA-Harvard University
  • View of papers that refers to NORAD-Atomic-Data
  • Article vew/download: Ne IV transitions, Elsevier report, September 2014

    Accuracy & Benchmarking:

  • Accuracy Guidelines for the data

  • Benchmarking of photoionizattion:

  • 1) With Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL)
    - "Photoionization of Metastable O1 Ions: Experiment and Theory, A. M. Covington, A. Aguilar, I.R. Covington, M. Gharaibeh, C. A. Shirley, and R. A. Phaneuf, I. Ávarez, C. Cisneros, and G. Hinojosa, J. D. Bozek, I. Dominguez, M. M. Sant'Anna,* and A. S. Schlachter, N. Berrah, S. N. Nahar, B. M. McLaughlin, Phys. Rev. Letts. Vol 87, 24, 243002-1 (2001)
    - "Absolute Photoionization Cross Section Measurements of O II ions from 29.7 eV to 46.2 eV", A. Aguilar, A.M. Covington, G. Hinojosa, R.A. Phaneuf, I. Alvarez, C. Cisneros, J.D. Bozek, I. Dominguez, M.M. Sant'Ama,A.S. Schlachter, S.N. Nahar, B.M. McLaughlin, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 146, 467 (2003)
    - "PhotoionizationofPþ: Experimentandtheory" , S.N. Nahar, E.M.Hernáez, L.Hernáez, A.Antil, A.Morales-Mori, O. Gonzz, A.M.Covington, K.C.Chartkunch and e, D.Hanstorp, A.M.Juáz, G.Hinojosa, J. Quant. Spec. Rad. Trans. 187 (2017)215-223
    - "Single-photon photoionization of oxygen-like Ne III", S.N. Nahar, A.M. Covington, D. Kilcoyne, V.T. Davis, J.F. Thompson, E.M. Hernandez, A. Antillon, A.M. Juarez, A. Morales-Mori, G. Hinojosa, Intl J. Mass Spec. 443 (2019) 61-69
    - "Photoionzation features of the ground and excited levels of Cl II and benchmarking with experiment", Sultana N. Nahar, New Ast 82, 101447 (2021)

  • 2) With Aahus University set-up in Denmark:
    - "Relativistic photoionization cross sections for CII", Sultana N. Nahar, Phys. Rev. A, Vol 65, 052702 (2002)
    - "Measurements of the absolute photoionization cross section of Fe+ ions from 15.8 to 180 eV", H Kjeldsen, B Kristensen, F Folkmann and T Andersen JPB 25, 3655 (2003)
  • 3) With Orsay Lab at University De Paris-SUD set up in France:
    - "Measurements and Calculations of Photoionization Cross Sections of Multiply-Charged Ions in Ground and Metastable States along the Isonuclear Series of Oxygen: O$^{2+}$ to O$^{4+}$" , J.-P. Champeaux, J.-M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, C. Blancard, S.N. Nahar, D. Hitz, J. Bruncau, and F.J. Wuilleumier, Astrophys. J. 148, 583 (2003)
    - "Photoionization cross sections of O II, O III, O IV, and O V: Benchmarking R-matrix theory and experiments, Sultana N. Nahar, Phys. Rev. A 69, 042714 (2004)

  • 4) With BESSY II set-up in Germany:
    - "Photoionization of N3+ and Ar8+ in an electron beam ion trap by synchrotron radiation" M C Simon, M Schwarz, S W Epp, C Beilmann, B L Schmitt, Z Harman, T M Baumann, P H Mokler, S Bernitt, R Ginzel, S G Higgins, C H Keitel, R Klawitter, K Kubi#cek, V M¨ackel1, J Ullrich and J R Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 065003 (11pp)

  • 5) With pulsed-laser excitation and ionization of Ti atoms in an atomic beam at University of Nebraska.

    - "Photoionization of ground and excited states of Ti I", Sultana N. Nahar, New Ast 38 (2015) 16-22

    Program Codes:

    Processing program codes:;

  • Program "lifetmss.f
    It i) reads energies and transition parameters of E1,E2,E3,M1,M2 obtained from atomic structure program SUPERSTRUCTURE and ii) calculated lifetimes. It needs
    - Input parameter file lftmin and the transition file
    - Fortran script runlftmss

    test for line ratio program LR

  • URGENT REQUEST: In order to continue access to this database, it is imperative to obtain support from users. Please mention the 2 references of NORAD given above. Please click HERE to provide your name and affiliation. - Sultana N Nahar, May 2024
  • Notation Description:

    Explanation of notation in "ATOMIC DATA TABLES" (down below):

  • FS -> fine structure, LS -> LS coupling
  • Energies E(LS,FS): E(LS) - LS term energies only, E(FS) - Energies for fine structure levels
  • f: Oscillator Strength, S: Line Strength, A: Radiative Decay Rate:
    LS - for dipole allowed LS multiplets, FS=fine structure dipole allowed and intercombination transitions,
    f-exp - fine structure transitions obtained using observed levels
    f-BPSS: fine structure transitions obtained from using program SUPERSTRUCTURE (SS), FORBID - for forbidden transitions,
    - f KAlpha transitions: :transitions between K- and L-shells
  • Photoionization (PX): Gd - total photoionization cross sections for the ground state
    Total - total photoionization cross sections leaving the core ion in various core states
    Partial - partial photoionization cross sections leaving the core ion in the ground state
    PxPt - partial cross sections for leaving the residual ion in ground and various excited states
    - Description for Photoionization Data
  • Electron-Ion Recombination:
    RRC - Recombination Rate Coefficients with T (K) for levels & summed total,
    OMRX - Total recombination collision strength, cross sections, & rates with photoelectron energies
  • Lifetimes: Lifetime - lifetimes of excited levels (with allowed transitions, R-matrix) Lifetime-ss - lifetimes of excited levels (with forbidden and allowed transitions, SUPERSTRUCTURE)
  • SPECTRUM: File containing f, photoexcitation cross section (PX) and absorption coefficient (AC) for K-shell transitions or for all other transitions, and the spectrum file from cross sections with no model for plasma density and temperature effects
  • NOTE: Clicking on the ion will show the reference for the results. But there may be more than one reference. So please check the top of each file for the right reference.

    Atomic Models

    1 ATOMIC RADIATIVE DATA TABLE (Z upto 28) (Heavier to Lighter Elements )
    f, S, A (LS, FS, FORBID)
    Ni(Z28) II E-LS , PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total,
    Ni(Z28) XX E-FS f-FS, , ., . , . Lifetimes-FS
    Ni(Z28) XXVI E-FS f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX ifetime-FS
    Ni(Z28) XXVII E-FS , PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    Ni(Z28) 27+ E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    Fe(Z26) I E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total,
    Fe(Z26) II E-LS f-LS, f-FS.1,f-FS.2, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    Fe(Z26) III E-LS f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS .
    Fe(Z26) IV E-LS f-LS,, f-FS, f-FORBID PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS .
    Fe(Z26) V E-LS , , f-ss.forbid PX-Gd, PX-total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total,
    Fe(Z26) XIII E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    Fe(Z26) XIV E-FS f-FS, f-exp, , , lifetime-FS
    Fe(Z26) XV E-FS f-FS, f-exp, f-FORBID , , lifetime-FS
    Fe(Z26) XVI E-FS f-FS, f-exp, f-FORBID , , lifetime-FS
    Fe(Z26) XVII E-FS f-FS, f-EXP, f-FORBID PX-Gd-3cc, PX-Partial-3cc, PX-Gd-60cc, PX-Partial-60cc, PX-Total-60cc level-Specific & Total , OMRX lifetime-FS
    Fe(Z26) XVIII E-FS f-FS, f-exp, f-BPSS, f-FS-SS, f-KAlpha , , lifetime-FS, lifetime-SS X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XIX E-FS, E-LS f-FS, f-EXP, f-BPSS, f-KAlpha PX-Gd., PX-Total, . ., . lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XX E-FS f-FS, f-exp, f-BPSS. f-KAlpha , , lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XXI E-FS, E-LS f-FS, f-exp, f-LS f-BPSS, f-KAlpha PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XXII E-FS f-FS, f-exp, f-BPSS f-KAlpha , , lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XXIII E-FS(SS) f-BPSS, f-KAlpha . . X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XXIV E-FS f-FS, f-BPSS, f K-Alpha PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Fe XXV E-FS(RRC), E-FS(f), f-FS, f-exp, f-BPSS, f-KAlpha PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX Lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Fe(Z26) XXVI E-LS,E-FS f-E1, f-BPSS, f-Kalpha PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC X-SPEC
    Cr(Z24) I E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-LS
    Cr(Z24) XVI E-FS f-FS-SS, , , . , lifetimes-FS
    Cr(Z24) XXII E-FS f-FS, , , , lifetime-FS
    Ti(Z22) I E-LS , PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial , PX-PxPt-Gd State-specific & Total, OMRX
    Ti(Z22) XIV E-FS f-SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) , , , . , . X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XV E-FS f-FS-SS, f (K-Alpha) , , , . , . X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XVI E-FS f-SS-FS, f (K-Alpha) , , , , . X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XVII E-FS f-SS-FS, f (K-Alpha) , , , . , . X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XVIII E-FS f-SS-FS, f (K-Alpha) , , , . , . X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) IX E-FS f-SS.FS, f (K-Alpha) , , , , X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XX E-FS f-FS, f-SS.FS, f (K-Alpha) ,, , lifetime-FS X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XXI E-FS f-SS.FS, f (K-Alpha) , , , . , . X-SPEC
    Ti(Z22) XXII E-FS f-SS.FS, f (K-Alpha) , , , . , X-SPEC
    Ca(Z20) IV E-LS, E-FS f-FS, f-LS, f-Forbid ., ., , lifetime-FS(SS)
    Ca(Z20) VII E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    Ca(Z20) XII E-FS f-SS.FS, , , , . ., lifetime-FS
    Ca XV E-LS ., ., . PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial .,
    Ca XVIII E-FS f-FS, , , lifetime-FS
    Ar V E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    Ar XIII E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-FS, f-exp, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    Ar XVI E-FS f-FS, PX-GD, PX-Total, PX-Partial , lifetime-FS
    Ar XVII E-FS , PX-GD-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial ,
    Ar XVIII E-FS , PX-Total, ,
    Cl II E-FS ., . PX-Total, PX-GD, PTX-GD ,
    S II E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    S III E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    S XI E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    S XIV E-FS f-FS, PX-GD, PX-TOTAL, PX-PARTIAL Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    S XV E-FS ., . PX-GD, PX-TOTAL, PX-PARTIAL Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    S XVI E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-E1, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    P II E-FS. ., ., PX-Total, PX-GD., PX-Partial, PTX-GD State-Specific & Total, OMRX .
    Si I E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    Si II E-LS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total, lifetime-LS
    Si IX E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    Si XII E-FS f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    Si XIII E-FS , PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    Si XIV E-LS, E-LS f-LS, f-FS, f.forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    Al(Z13) V E SS(LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Al(Z13) VI E SS(LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Al(Z13) VII E SS(LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Al(Z13) VIII E-LS f-LS, f SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total XSPEC, lifetime-LS
    Al(Z13) IX E SS(LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Al(Z13) X E SS(LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Al(Z13) XI E-FS f-FS, f-SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total OMRX X-SPEC, lifetime-FS
    Al(Z13) XII E-FS f-SS(LS,FS), f-(K-Alpha) PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX X-SPEC
    Al(Z13) XIII E-LS f-SS(LS,FS), f (K-Alpha) PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC X-SPEC
    Mg VII E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    Mg X E-FS f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    Mg XI E-FS , PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    Mg XII E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    Na VI E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    Na IX E-FS f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    Na X E-FS , PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    Na XI E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    Ne III . ., . PX-Gd, PX-Total, .,
    Ne IV E-FS f-FS, f-EXP PX-Gd, PX-Total, lifetime-FS, ,
    Ne V E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS, OMEGA,
    Ne VIII E-FS f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    Ne IX E-FS , PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    Ne X E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    F IV E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    F VII E-FS f-FS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX lifetime-FS
    F VIII E-FS , PX-Gd-K, PX-Total, PX-Partial Level-Specific & Total, OMRX
    F IX E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    O I E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    O II E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-E1, f-EXP, PX-Gd-MTA, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total Lifeitme-FS
    O III E-LS f-LS, lifetime-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total OMG
    O IV E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-FS, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    O V E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total
    O VI E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd-FS, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS Level-Specific & Total, OMRX State-Specific & Total, lifetime-FS
    O VII E-LS, E-FS f-LS, PX-Gd-K, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS, PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS Level-Specific & Total, OMRX, State-Specific & Total. lifetime-LS
    O VIII E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    N I E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    N II E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    N III E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    N IV E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    N V E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd-FS, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS, PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS Level-Specific & Total, OMRX, State-Specific & Total lifetime-FS
    N VI E-LS, E-FS f-LS, PX-Gd-K-FS, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS, PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS Level-Specific & Total, OMRX, State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    N VII E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    C I E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total, PX-Partial State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    C II E-LS f-LS, PX-Gd, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS, PX-FS State-Specific & Total
    C III E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-E1, f-EXP, PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS, PX-Gd-FS, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS State-Specific & Total, Level-Specific & Total, OMRX Lifetime-FS
    C IV E-LS, E-FS f-LS, f-FS, PX-Gd-FS, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS, PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS Level-Specific & Total, OMRX, State-Specific & Total lifetime-FS
    C V E-LS, E-FS f-LS, PX-Gd-FS, PX-Total-FS, PX-Partial-FS, PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS Level-Specific & Total, OMRX , State-Specific & Total lifetime-LS
    C VI E-LS, E-FS. f-LS, f-FS, f-forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC
    He I E-LS, . f-LS, , PX-Gd-LS, PX-Total-LS, PX-Partial-LS State-Specific & Total, OMRX-LS Lifetime-LS
    He II LS & FS Allowed & Forbid PX-Gd, PX-Total Total RRC,
    H(Z1) I LS & FS Allowed & Forbid PX-n1-10, n-specfic & total RRC, nl-specfic (n10) RRC, OMRX

    2 ATOMIC RADIATIVE DATA TABLE (Z > 28) (Heavier to Lighter Elements)

  • fpx-file: K-alpha transitions, SPEC: Spectral points over a wide rage of energy, X-SPEC: X-ray spectral lines of K-alpha
  • Each ion on the left is linked to the paper that the data belongs to
    . . f, S, A (Allowed, FORBID) . (photoabsorption CS)
    U(Z92) 83+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f(K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 84+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f(K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 85+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f(K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 86+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f(K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 87+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f(K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 88+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 89+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 90+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    U(Z92) 91+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82)73+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82)74+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82)75+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82)76+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82).77+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) XSPEC
    Pb(Z82)78+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z72)79+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82)80+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pb(Z82)81+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (k-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)70+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)71+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)72+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)73+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)74+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)75+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)76+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)77+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Au(Z79)78+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)69+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)70+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)71+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)72+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)73+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)74+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)75+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z78)76+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Pt(Z79)77+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)65+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)66+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)67+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)68+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)69+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)70+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)71+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)72+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    W(Z74)73+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Lu(Z71) I E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Lu(Z71) II E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Lu(Z71) III E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Lu(Z71) VI E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Lu(Z71) V E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Lu(Z71) VI E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Lu(Z71) VII E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Yb(Z70) I E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Yb(Z70) II E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Yb(Z70) III E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Yb(Z70) VI E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Yb(Z70) V E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Yb(Z70) VI E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Tm(Z69) I E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Tm(Z69) II E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Tm(Z69) III E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Tm(Z69) VI E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Tm(Z69) V E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Er(Z68) I E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Er(Z68) II E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Er(Z68) III E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Er(Z68) IV E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Ho(Z67) I E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Ho(Z67) II E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Ho(Z67) III E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) . SPEC .
    Zr(Z40)31+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)32+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)33+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)34+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)35+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)36+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)37+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)38+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Zr(Z40)39+ E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) f (K-Alpha,K-Beta) X-SPEC
    Br(Z35) II E (LS,FS) f (LS,FS) fPXAC-K SPEC Lifetimes
    Cu(Z29)20+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)21+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)22+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)23+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)24+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)25+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)26+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)27+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC
    Cu(Z29)28+ E (LS,FS) f SS(LS,FS) f (K-Alpha) X-SPEC


    Ca IV OMEGA Selected OMEGA Selected Upsilon


    4 Measured Lines and Energies:

  • Under an initiative for wider accessibility of atomic data for model applications and theoretical benchmarking, NORAD-Atomic-Data is including experimentally observed data for lines from various laboratories. These data have been provided by the author/co-author of the paper
  • The original files have been formatted only for information, the data are saved as they were provided by the authors

    Bi IV(Z=83) E-f
    Hg III (Z=80) E-f
    Hg IV (Z=80) E-f
    Hg VI (Z=80) E-f
    Au V (Z=79) E-f
    Pt IV (Z=78) E-f
    Ag III (Z=47) E-f
    Ag IV (Z=47) E-f


    5 Measured Photoionization Cross Sections:

  • Under an initiative for wider accessibility of atomic data for model applications and theoretical benchmarking, NORAD-Atomic-Data is including experimentally observed data for photoionization from various laboratories. These data have been provided by the author/co-author of the paper
  • The original files have been formatted only for information, the data are saved as they were provided by the authors
  • Photoionization cross sections were measured at the ALS (Advanced Light Source) of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA

    Photoionization Cross Sections:

    Ne III (Z=10) PX
    P II (Z=15) PX
    P III (Z=15) PX
    P IV (Z=15) PX
    Cl II (Z=17) PX
    Cl III (Z=17) PX
    Kr II (Z=36) PX
    Zn II (Z=30) PX

    NORAD-Atomic-Data adds more data as they are published
    In the form of a Database, October 2007
    Page Created: April 2007